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Many synchronicity for previous healing focuses and positive news.

The focus of the group is to create a sacred and loving space so that each and every one can receive 100% of what they need now.  The more joy, love and abundance you give and receive enables you to share more as what you give out is returned to you many times more.  Healing took place at Unity Consciousness Level. Participation is via Higherself.


Healings added 10 June 2021 unless marked otherwise


**** 2023 main theme of year: Sexual energy & Sexuality: Reawakening, harmony, balance, purity & abundance. ** every 3 week different focus to help


30 - 2 January 2023** Special Healing for Global Circle of Light active participants. Heal, transmute anything , limiting greater flow, abundance & harmony, expression of Kundalini, including Sexual Energy & Pleasure.



6 - 9 January** Healing, dissolving & transmuting deep ancestors & human obstacles, challenges, limitations related to healthy period, menstruation in women.  Allowing more peace,  joy, creativity, happiness, love and healthy, loving relationships & sex

(added 24/10/2022)


13 - 16 January. 3rd annual: Environment friendly & greater advance of Farming, taking greater care of Earth and working with Earth & Nurture, improving bio-diversity, and move heart based farming. Improvements & advancements of tools, processes especially helping to reduce better quality food and to reduce poverty and famines.

(added 24/10/2022)


20 - 23 January** Gay. Open up for more love & compassion including of self, and for healing main personal and ancestors issues, allowing more peace, freedom, safety, joy, happiness, love and healthy, loving relationships & sex.


27 - 30 January. 3rd annual: Greater Unity, Cooperation, Trust, Embodiment/grounding of Healers, Lightworkers, Starseeds to help with Human & Global Shift.

(added 24/10/2022)


3 - 6 February. 3rd annual: Vaccinations & Immunisations easier and safer and more effective to help improve health and prevent more disabilities and death around world, especially healing, transmuting anything significantly interfere with this.

(added 24/10/2022)

10 - 13 February** Lesbian. Open up for more love & compassion including of self, and for healing main personal and ancestors issues, allowing more peace, freedom, safety, joy, happiness, love and healthy, loving relationships & sex.


17 - 20 February. 4th annual: Top 500 social media and internet companies/organisations and upto 10,000 key personnel/people with influence on each of those. To enable greater unity, cooperation, expression and more love and light flow through those. Allow or greater benefit for people and Earth, taking greater & better care of people and environment. 

(added 24/10/2022)


24 - 27 February.  2nd deeper Healing to word/meaning/limitation of "Lemuria" . To bring greater unity, love, joy, truth and let go limitations/mis-conceptions, allowing greater benefit for Humanity. ( added 12/12/2022)


3 - 6 March**  Healing to reduce addiction to sex or porn.  Open up for more love & compassion including of self, and for healing main personal and ancestors issues, allowing more peace,  joy, happiness, love and healthy, loving relationships & sex.


10 - 13 March 2nd deeper Healing to word/meaning/limitation of "Atlantis" . To bring greater unity, love, joy, truth and let go limitations/mis-conceptions, allowing greater benefit for Humanity. ( added 12/12/2022)


17 - 20 March 4th Healing of: 500 biggest Pharmaceutical companies and people with greatest control or influence on them. To allow more unity, cooperation. Discovery of new medicines, ways to help and heal many more people around world. Greater benefit for humanity and looking after environment.

(added 24/10/2022)


24 - 27 March** 2nd Healing of Prostitutes, sex workers, escorts Heal and transmute anything & anyone interfere with their freedom, forcing them to work.  Healing of any trauma, injuries and anything interfere greater peace, joy, happiness, love, sexual energy and expression in their life.


31 - 3 April 5th Annual: Pre-human ancestors. Free humanity from very old sexual pain, trauma, limitations to allow greater peace, joy, happiness, love, expression, sexual energy

(added 24/10/2022)


7 - 10 April. Ancient Egypt, especially 18th & 19th Dynasty and limitations. Free humanity from very old sexual pain, trauma, limitations to allow greater peace, joy, happiness, love, expression, sexual energy (added 12/12/2022)


14 - 17 April** 2rd Healing, activation of  Lake Titicaca, South America (14th Healing & Activation of Major Earth Vortex) Clearing anything interfere, limitations of more light, love, expression, truth &  earth & goddess, sexual energy flow and linking up around world and allowing smooth flows throughout the Earth.


21 - 24 April. Country/State Leaders/Rulers' (12th bi-annual healing) and their deputies and people with most influence/control in each 'country/state'.

(added 24/10/2022)


28 - 1 May. 2nd deeper Healing. Peace and 'Blossoming' of Ukraine. Healing, transmuting conflict Ukraine/Russian and internal conflicts and anything & anyone interfering with order, peace, prosperity and 'blossoming' of Ukraine.  (added 12/12/2022)


​5 - 8 May** Healing to reduce Sexually transmitted disease. Better, quicker diagnosis and treatment & availability of treatment . Greater holistic approach to prevention & treatment.  


12 - 15 May. 5th Annual: Seas, Oceans, Major rivers. Reduce pollution, raise vibration of water. Improve biodiversity and marine life. Fill oceans, seas and major rivers with love and light.

(added 24/10/2022)


19 - 22 May.  Soldiers & Military professionals. Heal and transmute anything limiting more modern, peaceful & beneficial roles and work to benefit people & Earth. Greatly reducing in need and size, significantly increasing peace & safety.  (added 24/10/2022)


26 - 29 May** 2nd Healing to word/meaning/limitation of "Orgasm". To allow more people experience and have greater flow, abundance & harmony, abundance of Sexual Energy & Pleasure.  Allowing more peace,  joy, creativity, happiness, love and healthy, loving relationships & sex.


2 - 5 June 3rd Healing. Dentist & Healthcare professionals looking after teeth, gum, mouth health. Heal and transmute anything limiting more modern, accurate, better diagnosis & treatment, faster recovery, health & benefits for patients, less infections & complications. Greater holistic approach to prevention & treatment

(added 24/10/2022)


9 - 12 June. 3rd deeper Healing of 'Black Magic or Demons' practitioners and people working with 'Black Magic or Demons'. Open up for greater love & compassion including of self & others, and for healing main personal and ancestors issues and trauma which lead to Black Magic, allowing greater healing and love.  Allow Divine, Earth, Archangels, Ascended Masters and Light Beings to bring to light/transmute beings/entities/energies those "Black Magic or Demonic" practitioners are working/creating. To allow more love, light, respect and forgiveness.  (added 12/12/2022)


16 - 19 June** Healing Sexual dysfunction. Better, quicker diagnosis and treatment & availability of treatment . Greater holistic approach to prevention & treatment.  Allowing more peace,  joy, creativity, happiness, love and healthy, loving relationships & sex


23 - 26 June. 5th Annual: People with auto-immune conditions especially in Area  participants live and UK. To improve quality of life, and open up for more love & compassion including of self, and for healing main personal and ancestors issues which lead to auto-immune conditions, allowing healing.

(added 24/10/2022)


30 - 3 July. 4th Annual: Russia, China and USA. Heal, transmute & letting go need to dominate, nationalism, protectionism, racism &  anything significantly  interfere with greater trust, cooperation , unity, peace, understanding for higher good of all and Earth 

(added 24/10/2022)


7 - 10 July** Healing to greatly reduce rape,  violent sex &  abuse. Healing main personal and ancestors issues that causing the need to experience or inflict abuse/Trauma.  Allowing more peace, safety, freedom,  joy, creativity, happiness, love and healthy, loving, joyful, consensual relationships & sex.


14 - 17 July. 7th Annual. Forest, woods, jungles and Trees. Reduce deforestation, illegal cutting , Increase forest cover & tree diversity. Heal tree decease, 'harmful' fungi, challenges trees have. Healing & Activation to allow Trees anchor more Light into Earth, Help transmute/purify earth energy and pollution. Absorb & covert more Carbon Dioxide.

(added 24/10/2022)


21 - 24 July. Healing People with drug addictions especially in Area participants live and UK. To reduce & eliminate the need to take drugs. Healing main personal and ancestors issues that is causing addictions & drug taking.(added 24/10/2022)


28 - 31 July** Healing to reduce Paedophilia, healing trauma. Open up for more love & compassion including of self, and for healing main personal and ancestors issues, allowing more peace,  joy, happiness, love and healthy, loving relationships & consensual adult sex.


4 - 7 August. 7th annual Healing of Ancestors and ancestral issues of participants. To allow participants to have more ( Peace & Serenity, Joy & Pleasure, Abundance & Happiness, Love, Expression, Truth, Wisdom, Enlightenment) (added 24/10/2022)


11 - 14 August. Special Healing for Global Circle of Light active participants. Heal, transmute anything limiting greater health, well- being and relaxation. (added 24/10/2022)


**** Fuller transition, preparation of Global Circle of Sovereign Being (I AM) kick started on 5th July 2023. This transition away from GCL will take about 3 months (see how you can join most powerfully)  *************



Break, rest


18 - 21 August** 2nd Special Healing for Global Circle of Light active participants. Heal, transmute anything , limiting greater flow, abundance & harmony, expression of Kundalini, including Sexual Energy & Pleasure. 


25 - 28 August. Special Healing for Global Circle of Light active participants. Heal, transmute anything  interfere being heard, understood, appreciated, supported, trusted especially by friends, relatives & family  (added 24/10/2022)


After break

1 - 4 September. 4th Healing Teachers of Healing/Spirituality/Meditation, prominent figures, leaders in spirituality, for greater unity, cooperation, trust, grounding, authentic & boundaries.  (added 24/10/2022)


8 - 11 September** 3rd Healing, activation of Egyptian Pyramids and city of Luxor (15th Healing & Activation of Major Earth Vortex) Clearing anything interfere, limitations of more light, love, expression, truth &  earth & goddess, sexual energy flow and linking up around world and allowing smooth flows throughout the Earth.


15 - 18 September.  2nd deeper Healing to word/meaning/limitation of "Angels & Archangels" . To bring greater unity, love, joy, truth and let go limitations/mis-conceptions, allowing greater benefit for Humanity. ( added 12/12/2022)


22 - 25 September. Country/State Leaders/Rulers' (13th bi-annual healing) and their deputies and people with most influence/control in each 'country/state'.  (added 24/10/2022)


29 - 2 October**  Reducing, eliminate, prevention of Genital Mutilation. Healing main reasons Genital Mutilation happen. Healing people strongly affected allowing more peace,  joy, happiness, love.


6 - 9 October. 4th Healing Top 500 defence companies and companies producing guns/weapons and upto 50,000 people with most influence/control for each. To fill those with love and light and allow to produce equipment and tools for benefit of people and Earth and less need to produce guns or weapons.  (added 24/10/2022)


13 - 16 October. 2nd Deeper Healing. Criminals/Gangs in Area participants live, in UK & worldwide. To allow relook life, empower live from heart and receive and give benefit to community. To allow significantly reduce violence, anger & fear.


20 - 23 October**  Healing to reducing people born or are Intersex and healing trauma, better holistic treatment. Allowing more peace, safety, freedom,  joy, creativity, happiness, love


27 - 30 October. 4th annual: Hospitals around world. Heal and transmute anything limiting more accurate & better diagnosis & treatment, faster recovery and rejuvenation of patients, less infections & complications and availability of healing at hospitals especially in Area participants live and UK.  (added 24/10/2022)


3 - 6 November. People receive or dependant on government welfare, support. Open up for more love & compassion including of self, and for healing main personal and ancestors issues, allowing more peace,  joy, creativity, happiness, love and healthy, independent, less dependant or reliant on support of government. (Added 12/12/2022)


10 - 13 November** Asexual.  Open up for more love & compassion including of self, and for healing main personal and ancestors issues, allowing more peace,  joy, creativity, happiness, love and healthy, loving relationships & sex.


17 - 20 November. 5th annual: Abused or children with PTSD especially in Area each participant live and UK. Healing main personal and ancestors causes of the need to experience abuse/Trauma. Healing, clearing PTSD/Abuse and allowing more inner peace, love, joy, happiness.  (added 24/10/2022)


24 - 27 November. 4th annual: Relationship between United Kingdom and European Union, healing, transmuting anything limiting excellent relation between UK and EU and help finding mutually beneficial ways of greater cooperation, trust & abundance.(added 24/10/2022)


1 - 4 December** TranssexualsOpen up for more love & compassion including of self, and for healing main personal and ancestors issues, allowing more peace,  joy, happiness, love and healthy, loving relationships & consensual sex.


8 - 11 December. Healing People with Anaphylaxis or severe allergies. Healing, clearing main personal and ancestors issues, allowing more peace, safety, joy, happiness, love and healthy.  (added 12/12/2022)


15 - 18 December. 3rd deeper healing of Homeless people & people sleeping rough especially in Area participants live and UK.  Deep healing of Souls issues leading to homelessness and the need to experience hardships, allowing different possibilities and more uplifting experiences. (added 12/12/2022)



Winter break to focus GCL healing within & participants.


22 - 25 December** 3rd Special Healing for Global Circle of Sovereign Being active participants. Heal, transmute anything , limiting greater flow, abundance & harmony, expression of Kundalini, including Sexual Energy & Pleasure. 



29 - 1 January. Special Healing for Global Circle of Sovereign Being active participants. Heal, transmute anything , limiting highest potential and abilities.


**** 2024 main theme of year: Solar Plexus: Power, Charisma, Abundance: Reawakening, unity, harmony, balance, purity & abundance. ** every 3 week different focus to help

* as guided 17th January 2023

** actual dates for 2024 finalised 17th April 2023, unless marked otherwise



5 - 8 January. Healing Mother Mary ( Amplified by Orthodox Christmas)


12 - 15 January. 4th annual: Environment friendly & greater advance of Farming, taking greater care of Earth and working with Earth & Nurture, improving bio-diversity, and move heart based farming. Improvements & advancements of tools, processes especially helping to reduce better quality food and to reduce poverty and famines.


19 - 22 January.  2nd Healing, activation of Sacred Avalon: Glastonbury, Avebury, Stonehenge & other sacred sites/vortex around (16th Healing & Activation of Major Earth Vortex) Clearing anything interfere, limitations of more light, love, expression, truth &  earth & goddess, sexual energy flow and linking up around world and allowing smooth flows throughout the Earth.


26 - 29 January. Healing Ganesh


2 - 5 February. 4th annual: Greater Unity, Cooperation, Trust, Embodiment/grounding of Healers, Lightworkers, Starseeds to help with Human & Global Shift.


9 - 12 February. Healing Quin Yin ( amplified by Chinese New Year celebration)


16 - 19 February. 5th Annual: Pre-human ancestors. Free humanity from  pain, trauma, limitations to allow greater peace, joy, happiness, love, expression, sexual energy


23 - 26 February. Healing 100,000 most bitter, raging or furious people on Earth. Healing main personal and ancestors issues contributed to being bitter, rage or fury, helping unlock more generosity, abundance, cooperation, love, positivity, unity for Humanity. ( added 30/10/2023 )


1 - 4 March. Healing St. Germain


8 - 11 March. 4th annual: Vaccinations & Immunisations easier and safer and more effective to help improve health and prevent more disabilities and death around world, especially healing, transmuting anything significantly interfere with this.


15 - 18 March. Healing 100,000 most/deeply arrogant or pride or guilty or ashamed people on Earth. Healing main personal and ancestors issues contributed to being deeply arrogant, pride, guilty or ashamed, helping unlock more generosity, abundance, cooperation, love, positivity, unity for Humanity. ( added 30/10/2023 )


22 - 25 March. Healing 100,000 most/deeply empathetic or compassionate or altruistic people on Earth.  helping unlock more generosity, abundance, cooperation, love, positive, unity for Humanity. ( added 30/10/2023 )


29 - 1 April. Healing:  Jesus Christ (Jeshua) ** Amplified by Easter

added 9th April 2023


5 - 8 April. 4th annual: Top 500 social media and internet companies/organisations and upto 10,000 key personnel/people with influence on each of those. To enable greater unity, cooperation, expression and more love and light flow through those. Allow or greater benefit for people and Earth, taking greater & better care of people and environment.


12 - 15 April.  Country/State Leaders/Rulers' (14th bi-annual healing) and their deputies and people with most influence/control in each 'country/state'.


19 - 22 April. Healing Moses ( amplified by Passover celebration)

added 17th April 2023


26 - 29 April.  5th Healing of: 500 biggest Pharmaceutical companies and people with greatest control or influence on them. To allow more unity, cooperation. Discovery of new medicines, ways to help and heal many more people around world. Greater benefit for humanity and looking after environment.


3 - 6 May. Healing Mary Magdalene ** Amplified by Orthodox Easter

added 9th April 2023


10 - 13 May. Seas, Oceans, Major rivers. Reduce pollution, raise vibration of water. Improve biodiversity and marine life. Fill oceans, seas and major rivers with love and light. (6th Annual)


17 - 20 May. Healing, activation of Sedona, USA (17th Healing & Activation of Major Earth Vortex) Clearing anything interfere, limitations of more light, love, expression, truth &  earth & goddess, sexual energy flow and linking up around world and allowing smooth flows throughout the Earth.


24 - 27 May. Healing Buddha. ** Amplified by Wesak

added 9th April 2023


31 - 3 June. Healing White Tara


7 - 10 June. Healing 100,000 most/deeply Dominant or controlling, or Abusive or selfish people on Earth. Healing main personal and ancestors issues contributed to being deeply Dominant, controlling, or Abusive or selfish, helping unlock more generosity, abundance, cooperation, love, positivity, unity for Humanity. ( added 30/10/2023 )


14 - 17 June.  4th Healing. Dentist & Healthcare professionals looking after teeth, gum, mouth health. Heal and transmute anything limiting more modern, accurate, better diagnosis & treatment, faster recovery, health & benefits for patients, less infections & complications. Greater holistic approach to prevention & treatment


21 - 24 June. Healing Merlin. **Amplified by Solstice

added 9th April 2023


28 - 1 July. 6th Annual: People with auto-immune conditions especially in Area  participants live and UK. To improve quality of life, and open up for more love & compassion including of self, and for healing main personal and ancestors issues which lead to auto-immune conditions, allowing healing.


5 - 8 July. 8th Annual. Forest, woods, jungles and Trees. Reduce deforestation, illegal cutting , Increase forest cover & tree diversity. Heal tree decease, 'harmful' fungi, challenges trees have. Healing & Activation to allow Trees anchor more Light into Earth, Help transmute/purify earth energy and pollution. Absorb & covert more Carbon Dioxide.


12 - 15 July. Healing 100,000 most/deeply doubtful or narcistic or Victim or Helpless​ people on Earth. Healing main personal and ancestors issues contributed to being deeply doubtful or narcistic or Victim or Helpless​, helping unlock more generosity, abundance, cooperation, love, positivity, unity for Humanity. ( added 30/10/2023 )


19 - 22 July. 5th Annual: Russia, China and USA. Heal, transmute & letting go need to dominate, nationalism, protectionism, racism &  anything significantly  interfere with greater trust, cooperation , unity, peace, understanding for higher good of all and Earth 


26 - 29 July. Healing Isis. 

added 9th April 2023

Summer break to focus GCSB healing within & participants.

​2 - 5 August. 8th annual Healing of Ancestors and ancestral issues of GCSB participants. To allow participants to have more ( Peace & Serenity, Joy & Pleasure, Abundance & Happiness, Love, Expression, Truth, Wisdom, Enlightenment)





9 - 12 August. Special Healing for Global Circle of Sovereign Beings active participants. Heal, transmute anything limiting greater health, well- being and relaxation.


16 - 19 August. 3rd Special Healing for Global Circle of Sovereign Beings active participants. Heal, transmute anything , limiting greater flow, abundance & harmony, expression of Kundalini, including Sexual Energy & Pleasure. 


23 - 26 August. 3rd Special Healing for Global Circle of Sovereign Beings active participants. Heal, transmute anything  interfere being heard, understood, appreciated, supported, trusted especially by friends, relatives & family


Resumption of bigger Unity consciousness healing


​​30 - 2 September. 5th Healing Teachers of Healing/Spirituality/Meditation, prominent figures, leaders in spirituality, for greater unity, cooperation, trust, grounding, authentic & boundaries. 


6 - 9 September. 4th Healing, activation of Egyptian Pyramids and city of Luxor (18th Healing & Activation of Major Earth Vortex) Clearing anything interfere, limitations of more light, love, expression, truth &  earth & goddess, sexual energy flow and linking up around world and allowing smooth flows throughout the Earth.


13 - 16 September. Healing Prophet Muhammad


20 - 23 September. 5th annual: Hospitals around world. Heal and transmute anything limiting more accurate & better diagnosis & treatment, faster recovery and rejuvenation of patients, less infections & complications and availability of healing at hospitals especially in Area participants live and UK


27 - 30 September. Healing Saint Michael & Archangel Michael

added 9th April 2023


4 - 7 October. Country/State Leaders/Rulers' (15th bi-annual healing) and their deputies and people with most influence/control in each 'country/state'.  


11 - 14 October. Healing Lakshmi


18 - 21 October. 2nd Healing, activation of Uluru, Australia (19th Healing & Activation of Major Earth Vortex) Clearing anything interfere, limitations of more light, love, expression, truth &  earth & goddess, sexual energy flow and linking up around world and allowing smooth flows throughout the Earth.


​25 - 28 October. 5th Healing Top 500 defence companies and companies producing guns/weapons and upto 50,000 people with most influence/control for each. To fill those with love and light and allow to produce equipment and tools for benefit of people and Earth and less need to produce guns or weapons


​1 - 4 November, Healing Krishna **Amplified by Diwali 

added 9th April 2023


8 - 11 November. 3rd Deeper Healing. Criminals/Gangs in Area participants live, in UK & worldwide. To allow relook life, empower live from heart and receive and give benefit to community. To allow significantly reduce violence, anger & fear.


15 - 18 November. Healing, clearing of AI (Artificial intelligenceto be used safely, positive, beneficial for Earth & humanity with good, healthy transparent safeguards against misuse or abuse, reducing wasteful use including reducing use of electricity ( added 30/10/2023)


22 - 25 November. Healing Archangel Metatron

added 17th April 2023


29 - 2 December. 6th annual: Abused or children with PTSD especially in Area each participant live and UK. Healing main personal and ancestors causes of the need to experience abuse/Trauma. Healing, clearing PTSD/Abuse and allowing more inner peace, love, joy, happiness.  


6 - 9 December. 5th annual: Relationship between United Kingdom and European Union, healing, transmuting anything limiting excellent relation between UK and EU and help finding mutually beneficial ways of greater cooperation, trust & abundance.


13 - 16 December. Healing, clearing of Psychedelics & Practitioners to be healthier, safer, beneficial. Used where necessary, helpful, best possible ways & settings, reducing addictions, corrupt practices. ( added 30/10/2023 )



20 - 23 December. Healing Adama ( Lemurian Ascended Master)


Added formally 4th July 2024, implicitly 17 January 2023

**** 2025 main theme of year: Heart:  Love, Support, Compassion, Forgiveness: Reawakening, unity, harmony, balance, purity & peace.


January 2025. Upgrade, reawakening Global Circle of Sovereign Beings & active participants to greatly help facilitate Unity Consciousness deeply transformational year Heart:  Love, Support, Compassion, Forgiveness: Reawakening, unity, harmony, balance, purity & peace. (17 December 2024)


February 2025. Heart:  Love, Support, Compassion, Forgiveness: Reawakening, unity, harmony, balance, purity & peace. (17 December 2024) - Especially Root Chakra of Heart


© 2017-2025 by Michael.

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