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It is great and rare opportunity that you reading this page. What are you going to make of it?


Massive shift is happening since July 5th 2022, further accelerated in November 2022. It all started & co-created at Glastonbury. Phase 3 of Divine Galactic Feminine is going to hugely accelerate and ripple out further  


Big shift & opportunities 22-27 March 2023 at Glastonbury:


During those 6 days there will be GCL Earth Angels Reunion - Glastonbury Sacred Adventure with many healing, meditation, chat, fun & more being anchoring & living Higher Dimensional & Earthy ways. Some of those welcome to anyone, please message us if you like to be involved


Here information how to get involved in person ( see above how get involved in other ways in convenient for you time & placeHere VIP upgrade & prepare accelerated healing to make most


For more information, questions: or DM on Facebook Mikhail Heal. 


On 22nd March be coming to Glastonbury with upto 13 Earth Earth Angels, Will be joined by some local Earth Angels, Priestess & Healers. Looking to be fun, exciting & empowering opportunities.


22nd March 2023

6-7pm (Goddess House)  Open only to GCL Earth Angels.


7:30pm (Goddess House) Monthly Magdalene Circle with Priestess & Earth Angel: Rachel Harris - Receive Magdalene Healing Frequencies, share, dive deep into her gospel & co-create future circles


23rd March 2023

10-11am (near White Spring) Blessing Water, Sacred ways. Deeper connection, healing & activation to benefit & be supported by White Spring & Glastonbury Guardians. There will be optional opportunity go drink tea/coffee together & chat after.


6-7pm (Goddess House) Healing, Embracing & Opening to greater Earthy & Soul’s Joy & Magic.. 21st Century Healing meditation. Suits all abilities. To register


7:30pm (Goddess House)  "Manifesting & cocreating best possible Life here & now". 21st Century Healing meditation. Suits all abilities.


24th March 2023

10am - 5pm  (Goddess House)

Unlocking greater Harmony & Union of Sacred Feminine & Masculine. Workshop includes Sound Bath. 3 facilitators including Rachel Harris & Lisa

SEE Phase2


Massive shift is happening since July 5th 2022. It all started & co-created at Glastonbury. Phase 2 of Divine Galactic Feminine is going to hugely accelerate and ripple out further on 10th & 11th November especially through Glastonbury, (read more, join in anytime as 100s benefitting already )


Here information how to get involved in person ( see above how get involved in other ways in convenient for you time & place)


For more information, questions: or DM on Facebook Mikhail Heal. See below link to directly register to 1,2,4 or 6 circles


On 8/9th November we be coming to Glastonbury with upto 4 Earth Earth Angels, Will be joined by some local Earth Angels, Priestess & Healers. Looking to be fun, exciting & empowering opportunities.


10th November:

10-11am (near White Spring) Blessing Water, Sacred ways. Deeper connection, healing & activation to benefit & be supported by White Spring & Glastonbury Guardians. There will be optional opportunity go drink tea/coffee together & chat after.


6-7pm (Goddess House)  "Opening to receive, allow, heal and blossom in Divine & Sacred Love". 21st Century Healing meditation. Suits all abilities. To register


7:30pm (Goddess House) NEW! Monthly Magdalene Circle with Priestess Rachel Harris - Receive Magdalene Healing Frequencies, share, dive deep into her gospel & co-create future circles



11th November:

10-11am (near White Spring) Blessing Water, Sacred ways. Deeper connection, healing & activation to benefit & be supported by White Spring & Glastonbury Guardians. ( People taking part 2nd time have unique opportunity to deeper connect, rediscover & open to receive, allow) There will be optional opportunity go drink tea/coffee together & chat after.


6-7pm (Goddess House)  Living the Dream: City of Light, Crystalline City. Activation, co-create, upgrade. Suits anyone who loves Glastonbury. To register


7:30pm (Goddess House)Sacred Feminine & Sacred Masculine Deep & Fun Healing Circle - Awakening, Unity & Harmony with Rachel Harris and Mikhail Heal


© 2017-2024 by Michael.

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