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Global Light Circle - Multi Dimensional

Many synchronicity for previous healing focuses and positive news.

The focus of the group is to create a sacred and loving space so that each and every one can receive 100% of what they need now.  The more joy, love and abundance you give and receive enables you to share more as what you give out is returned to you many times more.  Healing took place at Unity Consciousness Level. Participation is via Higherself.

Previous Dates 2018

January 5 - 8. Unity of Religion. Event 1. Christian Clergy of all Denominations and rank Uniting(including cardinals, bishops, priests, deacons... and Heads of each Christian denominations and upto 1000 people with greatest influence on each main denomination) Healing, clearing anything preventing/interfering with Unity and greater cooperation and mutual understanding and trust (in particular Catholic, Orthodox, Anglicans)


January 12 - 15. Healing Dolphins and whales Worldwide. (Upto 2.8m those animals where including and receiving some benefit)


*January 16 - 17. Archangel Chamuel: Amplified Connection & Healing .


January 19 - 22  4th nomination by group voting. Healing to have peace, compassion and reconciliation in Syria. Healing main reasons/influence on War, Including all people that influence/contribute to this war. 


January 26 - 29. Top 100 social media and internet companies and organisations and upto 1000 key personnel/people with influence on those. To enable greater unity, cooperation and more love and light flow through those.


February 2 - 5. Healing, love for Core/Heart of Earth and major grid-lines. Anchoring Heaven on Earth energies.


*February 7 - 8.  Universal Energy Healing. Only via FB Group  ( Distant Healing lists for members interested and people they want to include)


February 9 - 12. Unity of Religion. Event 2. People with influence in Islam ( including all Imam and their assistants, Sheik, Khatib, Ayatollahs, Mullah, Ulama, Qadis and Muftis). Uniting, healing, clearing anything preventing unity, greater cooperation, mutual understanding and trust within Islam and healing any causes of radicalisation, extremism


February 13-14. Archangel Sandalphon: Amplified Connection & Healing.


February 16 - 19. Group Nomination 1. Healers in Area Participants live and Healers in UK


February 23 - 26. Nominated in 2017. Handicapped/Disabled Children, children with rare disease in Area participants live and UK.


March 2 - 5. Country/State Leaders/Rulers' and their deputies and upto 5,000 people with most influence/control in this 'country/state'. To allow much greater unity, cooperation, understanding and trust. ( This 2nd event. In 2017 upto 216 states were included)

This even 2.6m were included in healing around world


*March 7 - 8.  Universal Energy HealingOnly via FB Group  ( Distant Healing lists for members interested and people they want to include)


March 9 - 12. Unity of Religion. Event 3. People with most influence in Hinduism ( including Gurus and influential speakers). Healing to allow greater unity, cooperation, mutual understanding and trust and clearing anything interfering.


March 13-14. Archangel Uriel: Amplified Connection & Healing.


March 16 - 19. Healing Britain/Irish relationship and Northern Ireland/Ireland. To allow greater unity, cooperation and understanding and clearing anything interfering.


Additionally Healing  Global Circle of Light to allow greater unity, cooperation to allow 1000+ to participate consciously together each week and clearing anything interfering.


March 23 - 25. Group Nomination 2. Suicidal/Unable to cope person in Area participant live and in UK.


March 30 - 2 April. Top 500 Universities in the World and their staff. Especially improve collaboration and greater advances/discoveries for good of humanity.

Additionally Christ Energy Amplification.


April 6 - 9. Relationship healing. Family/relatives and friends of Participants and any relationship they had that need healing. To bring more joy, happiness and love in all relationships


April 10- 12.  Universal Energy HealingOnly via FB Group  ( Distant Healing lists for members interested and people they want to include)


April 13 - 16.  Group Nomination 3. Autistic people in Area participants live and in UK. To improve quality of life and communication.


April 17 - 18. Archangel Metatron: Amplified Connection & Healing.


April 20 - 23.  Top 100 defence companies and companies producing guns/weapons and upto 5,000 people with most influence/control for each. To fill those with love and light and allow to produce equipment and tools for benefit of people and Earth and less need to produce guns or weapons.


* On 22nd April there is additional amplification with City of Light 5D to help our towns also receive healing.


April 27 - 30. Unity of Religion. Event 4. People with most influence in Buddhism ( including Priests, Gurus and influential leader, teachers and speakers). Uniting,  healing, clearing anything preventing unity and greater cooperation and mutual understanding and trust


*Additionally there will be amplification/link up as number of us taking part in group of 33 Light workers helped link up of Dimensions in inner Circle of Stonehenge and then Avesbury Circle on 29th April.


May 4 -7.  New and better used of Technologies to improve access & management of clean drinking water & water. Accelerating advances, faster roll out. Assist for those to be more available and implemented so that more people have access to clean drinking water and water they need.


May 8 - 10.  Universal Energy HealingOnly via FB Group  ( Distant Healing lists for members interested and people they want to include)


May 11-14. European Parliaments, Key people involved in negotiation of Brexit and key people that have influence on them. To allow greater unity, cooperation, mutual understanding and trust.


May 15 - 16. Archangel Haniel: Amplified Connection & Healing.


May 18-21. Group Nomination 4. Top 500 Banks / financial institutions with 5000 key personnel and people with most influence. To have more unity, cooperation, trust and allow greater opportunity for abundance for everyone on Earth.


May 25-28. Healing, love for Core/Heart of Earth and major grid-lines. Anchoring Heaven on Earth energies.


June 1-4. Unity of Religion. Event 5.  People with influence in Islam and Christianity. To allow greater unity, cooperation, mutual understanding and trust. Healing historic conflicts and misunderstandings. Amplified by Ramadan.


June 5 - 7.  Universal Energy HealingOnly via FB Group  ( Distant Healing lists for members interested and people they want to include)


June 8-11. Blind/partially sighted people in Area participants live and in UK. To improve quality of life, where possible improve/restore vision.


June 15-18. Healing of Ancestors and ancestral issues of participants. To allow participants to have more ( Peace & Serenity, Joy & Pleasure, Abundance & Happiness, Love, Expression, Truth, Wisdom, Enlightenment)


* City of Light Activation: Kiev. Healing and Integrating energy lines, sacred sites to allow greater unity, love and energy flow. Healing & Clearing anything interfere. Love and Light for 1941-1943 .


June 19 - 20. Archangel Michael: Amplified Connection & Healing.


June 22-25. Criminals/Prisoners/Gangs in Area participants live and in UK and all innocently imprisoned around world. To empower live from heart and receive and give benefit to community. To allow as many innocently imprisoned to be freed.


June 29 - July 2. Unity of Religion. Event 6. 1,000,000 most radicalised/religious extremist. Healing of IS. To allow greater unity though love, cooperation, forgiveness and mutual understanding.


*Healing, activation, unity of Glastonbury,  sacred places & local community. Clearing anything interfere and limitations. To allow more light & love flow and linking up around world and allowing smooth flow throughout Earth


July 6 - 9. Tax Authorities Worldwide, with 1000 most senior figures for each county and 5,000 people with most influence from each country. To help global unity, cooperation and allow big corporation to contribute more in each country operate


July 10 - 12.  Universal Energy HealingOnly via FB Group  ( Distant Healing lists for members interested and people they want to include)


July 13 - 16. Most popular/influential 100,000 singers in World. More signing from heart, sincere expression, healing via sound / music. To allow more unity, cooperation, expression, joy, love for everyone on Earth.


July 17 - 18. Archangel Jophiel Amplified Connection & Healing.


July 20 - 23. Deaf/with loss of hearing people in Area participants live and in UK. To improve quality of life, where possible restore / improve hearing.


July 27 - 30. Family, relatives and friends and person had relationship of Participants, especially to have more respect, appreciation, recognition, support, gratitude love, joy, trust,  in all relationships for participants.


BREAK ALL AUGUST. ONLY Universal Energy Healing via our Facebook group weekly Distant Healing List. There is no Friday to Monday healing for everyone.

August 7 - 9  Universal Energy Healing

August 14 - 16  Universal Energy Healing

August 21 -  23  Universal Energy Healing


31 August - 3 September. Unity of Global Circle of Light. Activation of next level. Receive healing, preparation, activations, alignment, assistance & support on all levels to help prepare for Mt. Shasta Healing.


7 - 10 September. Unity & healing of Global Circle of Light.

Healing, activation, unity of Mt Shasta,  sacred places & local community. Clearing anything interfere and limitations. To allow more light & love flow and linking up around world and allowing smooth flow throughout Earth.


14 - 17 September. Unity & healing of Global Circle of Light. Integration and further activations for Mt Shasta. Allowing more peace, joy, happiness, love, expression, wisdom, oneness to flow.

** Additional Healing for Gambling. Potential Healing in/ around Las Vegas capital of gambling, also Reno and Carlson City. Covering top 1000 online and physical casinos and upto 1000 people with greatest influence and control for each. Healing Duality of need to have gambling and gambling addiction


21 - 24 September. Unity & healing of Global Circle of Light.

Healing, activation, unity of Sedona,  sacred places & local community. Clearing anything interfere and limitations. To allow more light & love flow and linking up around world and allowing smooth flow throughout Earth.


28 September - 1 October. Unity & healing of Global Circle of Light. Integration and further activations for Sedona. Allowing more peace, joy, happiness, love, expression, wisdom, oneness to flow. 


Hollywood & Worldwide top 100 film-studios, their leading Actors, Directors, Producers, key personnel and key 1000 people that influence


​5 - 8 October. Forest, woods, jungles and Trees. Reduce deforestation, illegal cutting , Increase forest cover & tree diversity. Heal tree decease, 'harmful' fungi, challenges have. 

Healing & Activation to allow Trees anchor more Light into Earth, Help transmute/purify earth energy and pollution. Absorb & covert more Carbon Dioxide.


9 - 11 October.  Universal Energy Healing


12 - 15 October. People with eating disorders (including bulimia, anorexia, binge eating, stress..) in Area participants live and UK


19 - 22 October. Unity of Religion 7th Event. Teachers of Healing/Spirituality/Meditation, prominent figures, leaders in spirituality, for greater unity, cooperation, trust.


26 - 29 October. Healing to word/meaning/limitation of "Ascended Master", "Saint". To bring greater unity, love, trust and let go limitations/mis-conceptions, allowing greater use for Benefit of Humanity.


2  - 5 NovemberCountry/State Leaders/Rulers' (3rd Event) and their deputies and upto 10,000 people with most influence/control in each 'country/state'. To allow much greater unity, cooperation, understanding and trust. ( Earlier 2 events have already allowed great transformations and many synchronicity/positive news during healing and shortly after)


6- 8 NovemberUniversal Energy Healing


​9  - 12 November. Raise vibration & purify energy of participants Home, Building & Street. To allow 'Blossoming' of your Home & Street for greater Peace, Joy, Happiness, Love, Expression,  Unity. 


16 - 19 November. Healing to word/meaning/limitation of "Fuck/Fucking". To allow greater flow of Sexual Energy/Pleasure/Creativity, Peace, Joy, Happiness, Love, Expression, Wisdom, Unity.


23 - 26 November. Soldiers, Military/Security Personnel in Area Participants live and UK. To allow greater unity though love, cooperation, forgiveness and mutual understanding. Greater service for benefit of humanity and moving into Civilian Service i.e. Building, Creating, Teaching, Healing...


30 November - 3rd DecemberHealing, love for Core/Heart of Earth and major grid-lines. Anchoring 'Heaven on Earth' energies.


7 - 10 December.  Police/Judges especially that you know/met or are in Area participants live and UK. To allow greater unity, cooperation, trust, forgiveness, peace, joy.


11 - 13 December. Universal Energy Healing


14 - 17 December. Family, relatives and friends and relationships of Participants, especially to have more respect, appreciation, recognition, support, gratitude love, joy, trust,  in all relationships for participants.


21 - 24 December. Unity of Religion 8th Event. People with influence in Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity. To allow greater unity, cooperation, mutual understanding and trust. Healing historic conflicts and misunderstandings. Amplified by Christmas



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